
Testlab – Hessdalen Lights release

Meliora Team | 24 August, 2024

The tireless companion in your software development efforts – AI assistant – is more capable than ever in this next release of Testlab: Hessdalen Lights. Please read on for the changes in this release.

AI: Ask about requirements [incubation feature]

In serious projects, the specifications can be large. Working with this much documentation can sometimes be tedious. In Hessdalen Lights, you can discuss your current specifications with the inbuilt AI assistant.

Think of it as a possibility to ask – basically any – question from your colleague who is a decent expert on the content of the whole specification. When a question is asked, we apply sophisticated search logic to the specification to find relevant sections of it and then apply AI to get an answer to your question.

As you discuss with the assistant, links to the relevant requirements in your specifications are provided to you. The discussion is also stored for you, so it is easy to get back to earlier discussions if needed.

AI: Configuring report parameters [incubation feature]

Testlab hosts a set of configurable report templates for you with a comprehensive amount of configurable parameters. In Hessdalen Lights, the AI assistant is now capable of helping you – by request – to configure these parameters for you.

As you set up a report, you can open up the AI assistant and ask for help from it. Our assistant is quite capable: You can refer directly to the settings of the report or, better yet, you can also describe a need, a situation you are in, or some aspect that you’d like to be taken into account. Click the screenshot on the right to see one example.

As you get the response from the assistant, the assistant tells you the reasoning for each set field and you can also easily inspect the settings set by going through them with your arrow keys.

Linking test cases to issues

A bit of a minor, but from a usability point of view a nice change has been made to the way how test cases are linked to issues. The control familiar from the task board has been incorporated into the issue form so that linking and unlinking test cases is snappier. Use the green add button to link new tests and the red button on each row to unlink.

Thanks for all your feedback,

Meliora team

The Hessdalen Lights are unexplained luminous phenomena observed in the Hessdalen Valley in Norway since the early 1980s. These lights, which appear as bright orbs or flashes of varying colors, often hover or move rapidly across the sky. Despite extensive scientific investigation, their origin remains unclear. Theories range from natural causes like ionized dust and plasma, to extraterrestrial activity, but none are conclusive. The lights have drawn global interest, leading to ongoing research projects like the Hessdalen AMS (Automatic Measurement Station), yet the true nature of these mysterious lights remains elusive.

(Source: Wikipedia, Project Hessdalen, Photograph of “blinking light” shot by the EMBLA physics team in August 2002, Teodorani & Nobili)